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24Hr Home Comfort Services Blog

The Three Tiers of Energy Efficiency

Sometimes things in life fit into three categories pretty easily. As human beings, it makes sense to categorize things so we can get a better idea of how the world works. This is where we’d like to talk about the three “tiers” of energy efficiency.

We’re not saying that some people are just more efficient than others. This blog post is mainly going to focus on the fact that efficiency, while it should be a priority for everyone, is simply not the highest priority for some people. Homeowners on a budget, for instance, should be more worried about the overall cost of their heating or cooling and what they can afford. But for homeowners with a good amount of savings in the bank, now could be a great opportunity to improve the energy efficiency of your home.

So, let’s talk about the three tiers of energy efficiency when it comes to HVAC in Milton, WI, and how our customers can make improvements to save money down the line.

Tier One: Affordably Making It Through the Winter

Not everyone has the luxury of having a state-of-the-art heat pump system that can keep a home cozy at extremely high efficiency rates. In fact, most homeowners use a gas furnace to heat their home, which uses natural gas instead of electricity.

The first tier of energy efficiency is affordability, and making sure that you’re not paying too much for heat in the first place. This is why our team offers financing options for customers who might be interested in a new heating replacement but might not have disposable income currently. An old furnace is likely costing more money to run per month because it’s degraded over time and is running less efficiently. By replacing that furnace with a newer one, or at least getting it repaired and maintained, you might save money in the future by paying less now.

Measure your own budget against what you can reasonably pay for when it comes to your home comfort. We’ll work with you to choose a system or service that saves you fuel, energy, and headaches.

Tier Two: Upgrades and Improvements

The second tier of energy efficiency is when we start talking about systems that can make noticeably improvements for your home comfort. We’re talking about things like smart or Wi-Fi thermostats, heat pumps, insulation, and duct services. These might not be absolutely essential for your home comfort, like someone operating in the first tier, but they’ll make a huge change to your lifestyle and budget.

Upgrading from a furnace to a heat pump could mean that the cost of heating and cooling your home decreases from year to year, while you don’t consume as much electricity. Coupling this kind of system with maintenance and a smart thermostat, and you could see your home become an efficiency haven.

Tier Three: Creative and Advanced Solutions

When customers start investing in the third tier of energy efficiency, that’s where we get into the cool stuff. We’d advise customers with some savings in the bank to consider investing in a ductless heat pump for maximum energy efficiency, getting rid of air ducts entirely. Or, if your home absolutely requires ducts, you could work with our team for a zone control system, achieving better efficiency and comfortable results with a few installed dampers in your air duct system.

This tier is for customers who are interested in researching more advanced ways to achieve energy efficiency, and our phone lines are open to discuss more creative and interesting solutions!

Contact 24Hr Home Comfort Services, Your Heating and Cooling Specialists.

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